Go for it!
Ask for your custom demo

Remember when we mentioned KONNEK™ deploys quickly? Contact us and we will be glad to build, with you, a “real” demo using your own data.

Your colleagues, partners, and customers will be able to scan a typical tag and directly land on a web page automatically built by KONNEK™ for your needs.  The possibilities are endless!

Scan the QR Code to see a typical equipment page with IoT features

Our Clients


KONNEK’s Iot solution has simply changed the way we do business. We can now leverage our experience and expertise with high value-added and high margin services!

CEO - EnerServ Inc.Bruno Girard


We wanted to sell more parts and services. KONNEK simplified the whole process. Our customers now have easy access to all the information they need to quickly place parts orders.

Director of Technical Services - MabarexCharles Meunier


It’s something we wanted to develop internally because nothing was available on the market… until KONNEK. That’s exactly what we needed, and much faster than we could do it ourselves.



We needed a solution to store and easily access equipment information that could also manage our maintenance program… without too many complex functions requiring a lot of training. KONNEK meets these needs perfectly and will be used by all our students.

Professor - Centre de formation professionnelle Paul-Gérin-LajoiePatrick Beaudoin

Contact us

Call or simply send us an email anytime you want. We are open to all suggestions from our audience.